Yellow Tea:Huo Shan Huang Ya霍山黄芽

Yellow Tea:Huo Shan Huang Ya霍山黄芽
  • Huo shan Huang ya began in the Tang Dynasty and flourished in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It was known as "仙芽(fairy bud)" in ancient times and is now called "芽茶(bud tea)". It’s produced in the high-altitude area of Huo shan, Anhui Province. It is made through processes such as greening, raw fire, sufficient fire, and pickling. It is a slightly fermented tea with a fresh and tender taste. Huoshan Huangya has always been "one of the top ten famous teas in China, but the traditional Huoshan Huangya technique has long been lost. The Huoshan Huangya you are drinking now was re-created in 1971 and continues to this day.

  • Category :Yellow Tea
  • Origin: Huo Shan County , An Hui Province, CHINA

  • Appearance: Tight strips, shaped like a tongue

  • Color: Golden color, pekoe exposed, soup color yellow-green

  • Aroma: Rich aroma, with chestnut aroma

  • Taste: Rich and refreshing in the mouth, with a sweet aftertaste

  • Brewing:
  1. Glass cup is better
  2. 5g + about 150ml

  3. Brew with a small amount of hot water at 90 degrees for 30s to 1min , heat the water to eight-tenths full ,drink it after 2to3 mins, and leave one-third of the tea soup for the next brew after drinking.

  4. Brew 5-6 times (the second, third is the better)

  • Storage: store in the fridge (about 5-10℃)and drink within 1-2 year is better.


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Yellow Tea
Yellow Tea
White Tea
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Green Tea
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Dark Tea
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Raw Puerh Tea: Hei Shui Liang Zi黑水梁子
Raw Puerh Tea: Hei Shui Liang Zi黑水梁子